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Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?

The battle against the Upper Rank Six demons Gyuutarou and Daki has been led by the Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui. In the ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba’ Entertainment District Arc, he even located the brother-sister duo by himself at times. As the conflict came to a close, it was not surprising that he was severely hurt, with poison steadily spreading throughout his body. But what happened to the Sound Hashira? Or did he make it through the ordeal unscathed? If you’re looking for the answers to those questions, we’ve got you covered. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!

Tengen Uzui, did he retire or die?

No, the Sound Hashira does not die in the season 2 finale of ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba,’ titled ‘No Matter How Many Lives.’ Tengen has risked his life to provide the Demon Slayers with a brief window of opportunity to simultaneously behead the joint holders of the Upper-Rank Six. Unfortunately, he was poisoned early in the conflict, yet he persisted through the misery and pain. While he has most likely used breathing methods to halt the spread of poison, Gyuutarou’s venom is powerful enough to eventually overtake him.

The Sound Hashira has accepted his fate after defeating Gyuutarou and Daki. He believes he will die surrounded by his three wives. Tengen tries to deliver his final words, only to realize that the poison has stiffened his tongue, and he can’t truly say anything. When Tengen’s grief about dying without expressing himself washes over him, Nezuko appears out of nowhere and utilizes Blood Demon Art to burn away all the poison. The Sound Hashira, who was fighting for his life only seconds before, suddenly knows that he will not die.

Although Uzui is safe, the long-term effects of the brutal conflict cannot be repaired by Blood Demon Art. He had lost an arm and an eye while fighting the Upper-Rank Six, thus his future as a Hashira looked bleak. While all of these thoughts about his uncertain future race through his mind, the Serpent Hashira, Obanai Iguro, arrives on ground zero. He criticizes Uzui for being so badly hurt when fighting the Upper-Rank Six demons and wonders when he will be able to recuperate and rejoin his Demon Slayer Corps teammates.

To Obanai’s amazement, Tengen discusses his decision to retire because he won’t be able to compete in his current state. The Serpent Hashira refuses to accept Tengen’s retirement plans, claiming that the Demon Slayer Corps is already weakened as a result of Kyojuro Rengoku’s death. Furthermore, the newly recruited amateur Demon Slayers do not appear to be promising. Obanai Iguro’s misgivings are natural, and it’s easy to see why he wants the Sound Hashira will forget about his retirement plans.

Tengen’s fighting abilities are significantly hampered by his permanent injuries. So, despite attentively listening to Serpent Hashira’s criticism and suggestions, Uzui persists. He’s made up his mind, and given how he battled against the Upper-Rank Six despite Tanjirou, Inosuke, and Zenitsu’s assistance, the Sound Hashira’s decision is dead on, as he won’t be much use in combat after losing one eye and an arm. Fans who want to see him in the future should not be discouraged, as the Demon Slayer is expected to appear in the Hashira Training Arc and the Infinity Castle Arc.

Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?
Did Tengen Uzui Retire or Did He Die in Demon Slayer Season 2?


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