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Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained

The sixth episode of TNT’s post-apocalyptic series ‘Snowpiercer’ season 3 revolves around Layton’s efforts to discover who is responsible for the fire and explosion aboard the Snowpiercer. Bess’ research leads her to the Tail, causing Pike to flee. Miss Audrey tries her hardest to persuade a wheelchair-bound Wilford to exploit Layton’s vulnerability. Josie proposes a Tailie ritual to mediate the conflict between Layton and Pike, which has unexpected repercussions. We examined the episode in depth since it concludes with shocking developments. After a quick overview, let’s discuss our reactions to the ending! WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD.

Recap of Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6

The sixth episode of Season 3 of ‘Snowpiercer,’ titled ‘Born to Bleed,’ begins with Layton requesting Pike and a few other Tailies to protect him and his family from an unknown opponent. Bess’ research takes her to Lights, and the train detective discovers that the bomb was constructed using Lights’ notes. When Bess informs Layton that only a few people are aware of the existence of the notes, the latter deduces that the antagonist is Pike. When Pike realizes Layton recognizes him, he flees from Layton and his followers. He meets Asha, who claims she has been hiding in the dark for years, exposing her lie about New Eden.

Image credit: David Bukach/TNT

Ruth approaches Roche in the psychiatry car and requests that he return. He informs her that he has no cause to do so other than to murder Wilford. Carly is befriended by Alex, who invites her to meet her father. Miss Audrey lures LJ into attending the first class in order to meet Wilford. She requests that Wilford fight Layton when he is vulnerable in order for him to reclaim his authority and leadership in the Snowpiercer. A wheelchair-bound Wilford, on the other hand, can only ignore her wish and responds that Layton may be correct about New Eden. Audrey is enraged with Wilford and storms out.

Ruth runs across Layton and Bess when they are investigating Pike’s cabin. They find Lights’ notes and offer them to Ruth in order for her to recognize that Pike is actually the one responsible for the fire and explosion. As they contemplate how to apprehend Pike, Josie and Miles advise “Old Ivan’s way,” a Tailie tradition in which two people discuss and resolve their concerns face-to-face in whichever ways they see fit. Knowing that Pike will not be able to disregard the tradition, he invites Pike to the Tail to settle the dispute. Meanwhile, Carly meets with Roche to implore him to return to her normal life.

Is Pike Dead in Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6? Why is he attempting to assassinate Layton?

Pike accepts Layton’s invitation and travels to the Tail to address the situation with Layton. When Layton tries to settle the dispute by promising luxuries, Pike holds firm in his beliefs. He makes it abundantly apparent that he is not someone Layton can simply purchase. When Layton becomes the Snowpiercer’s leader, Pike begins to feel inadequate. He begins to despise the fact that Layton is attempting to control the fate of all the passengers solely on the basis of his own reasoning and desires. Layton’s power and influence over others, especially Pike, prepare the path for his hatred of his erstwhile brother-in-arms.

Pike’s concerns about New Eden fuel his desire to see Layton’s reign come to an end. When Asha’s remark about her old life confirms his suspicions, Pike becomes determined to see Layton’s death, and he requests knives rather than a verbal debate. Layton, on the other hand, comes out on top in the knife fight. He battles and eventually stabs Pike to death. Pike’s death allows Layton to continue with his New Eden story until the Snowpiercer arrives at the Arabian warm spot. Pike’s rashness contributed to his untimely demise. Rather than giving Layton the opportunity to speak and persuade him as a brother, Pike followed his instincts, which led to his death.

Is Layton still alive or dead?

When Pike demanded a knife battle, Layton was unable to physically combat him. Despite the fact that the explosion affected his head, Layton was compelled to battle Pike for his life. During the battle, Pike repeatedly struck Layton in the head. After paying his respects to Pike’s body, Layton experiences visions and suffering before collapsing. Although Layton’s physical condition is concerning, the aftereffects of the explosion and the pain inflicted by Pike are not severe enough to kill him. Layton may have gone out from weariness rather than dying because he pushed his body for the investigation and the difficult fight with Pike.

Image Credit: Robert Falconer/TNT

We can expect Josie to find and transport Layton to Dr. Pelton if he passes out in the Tail. Layton could heal totally under Pelton’s care very soon. Even though he escapes death during the struggle with Pike, Miss Audrey’s desire to see Wilford return as leader may prove fatal for Layton. If Pike had discovered Layton and Asha’s deception before his death, Layton’s life would not be as secure as he believes.

Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained


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