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Candy Episode 1 Recap and Ending Explained

‘Candy,’ a Hulu original series, tells the story of Betty Gore’s horrible murder and the unexpected murderer. The miniseries revolves around Betty and Allan Gore, as well as their acquaintance Candy Montgomery, who appears to be involved in Betty’s death. The premiere episode’s peaceful suburban setting and slow-burn tempo create some emotional moments. There are many unresolved questions in this twisted mystery, so let’s take a deeper look at ‘Candy’ episode 1 and figure out what’s going on. SPOILERS FOLLOW.

Recap of Candy Episode 1

The episode begins on a lazy Friday morning in a peaceful Wylie, Texas neighborhood. Allan Gore prepares himself and informs his wife, Betty, that he would be traveling for work that weekend. Betty appears concerned about her husband’s departure, despite the fact that her infant does not seem to stop wailing. She complains about a few aches and pains, but Allan reassures her before leaving to catch a flight to St. Paul, Minnesota.

Image Credit: Tina Rowden/Hulu

Meanwhile, Betty and Allan’s friends Candy and Pat Montgomery hold a sleepover for Betty’s older daughter, Christina. Candy phones her friend and asks if she can pick up Christina’s swimsuit, deciding that she can stay another night and Betty will have her hands full with the baby anyhow. Candy’s cheery tone irritates Betty, but she tells her to come back at 11 a.m. Candy has a busy day and goes to Betty’s house before going to the store.

Allan had already left by the time Candy arrives, leaving Betty alone at home with the baby. We don’t see Candy and Betty interact, but the former exits the house later, apparently scared and with blood streaks on her. Candy drives home, distraught, and hastily washes her blood-splattered garments. She also has foot and brain injuries.

How Did Betty Die in Candy Episode 1? Was she killed?

Candy subsequently arrives to pick up her children and attempts to have a normal day. She and Pat take the kids to the movies and have tacos for dinner. Candy acts abnormally throughout and discusses her day in detail to a little astonished Pat. She claims that she met Betty to pick up Christina’s swimwear, and that her watch broke as a result.

Image Credit: Tina Rowden/Hulu

Allan tries unsuccessfully to contact Betty while on business. The spouse becomes concerned when she does not answer the phone on his third call. He contacts their next-door neighbor, Richard Parker, and asks him to check on the house and Betty. Richard and two other neighbors eventually arrive at the Gore home. Inside, they are astounded to discover Betty brutally slain and inform Allan that she has been shot. Allan immediately contacts Candy to break the tragic news, and the episode ends with a shocking twist, showing a blood-splattered ax laying next to Betty’s body.

As a result, Betty may not have been shot at all. This is consistent with Allan’s statement that they don’t even own a gun when he learns his wife has been shot. The gruesomeness of the scene shocks the neighbors Richard, Jerry, and Lester when they uncover Betty’s dead in the utility closet. As a result, none of them enter the room and only see the body from a distance, making it likely that they misidentify the cause of death as a shooting.

Image Credit: Tina Rowden/Hulu

The final shot with the ax strongly suggests that Betty was murdered by it, which would explain all of the blood spatter around her. If Candy did murder Betty, the murder weapon being an ax would also explain Candy’s disheveled appearance when she leaves Betty’s residence. Finally, a gunshot in the calm area would almost probably have been heard. Because none of the neighbors report hearing gunshots, it appears that Betty was killed by an ax rather than a bullet.

Did Candy murder Betty?

Candy is being fingered as Betty’s murderer. Candy’s injuries, in addition to her appearance as she left the Gores’ residence, indicate that she has been involved in violence. Her behavior for the rest of the day is maybe the most telling. Candy insists on repeating her day’s agenda to everyone she meets, almost as if she’s attempting to come up with many alibis for herself. The young mother appears to be excessively distracted and even vomits at one point.

Image Credit: Tina Rowden/Hulu

Candy has clearly murdered Betty and is now terrified of the potential consequences if her crime is revealed. Interestingly, she appears to find solace when Allan informs her that Betty has been shot. This implies that Candy did not use a gun to murder Betty and believes that if Betty was shot, the guilt for the crime will not rest on her. Of course, the essential question of Candy’s motivation for killing Betty has yet to be explained. However, it is obvious that the two had a physical altercation. Betty, who looked irritated because Allan left on his work trip, could have possibly sparked the apparent violent altercation.

TV Status: Returning Series

Duration: 54 min



Candy Episode 1 Recap and Ending Explained
Candy Episode 1 Recap and Ending Explained
Candy Episode 1 Recap and Ending Explained


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