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Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?

Discover all the information about the release of episode 4 of Ao Ashi on Crunchyroll! Release date and time

Ao Ashi is available on Crunchyroll! If you want to know when will episode 4 be released read on! Ao Ashi Episode 3 begins with the declaration of the result for the 11 players who will make the final round of selections. The play we had in the previous episode between players was intense, accompanied by Aoi’s acceptance of other players’ abilities and his growth in passing the ball to others.

As expected, our main character passes the last round of selection. All 11 players appear to be in a happy mood – until their opponents are declared. This is the youth team. Just looking at the character designs, they look way more competent.

Episode 3 of Aoashi shows the high levels of stress sportsmen face when their opponent’s skills greatly exceed their own. As we hold our breath, we prepare to watch the game begin. Ao-ashi cleverly presented the youth club opponents. Without saying too much about the 11 new players, they focus on just one named Akutsu. He is a very gifted player with a little too much ego. We tell you everything about the release of episode 4 of Ao Ashi on Crunchyroll!

What is the release date and time for episode 4 of Ao Ashi on Crunchyroll?

The wait is no longer very long! The release date for episode 4 of Ao Ashi has been set for April 30, 2022. For the most impatient, Ao Ashi episode 4 release time was set for 2 p.m. on Crunchyroll!

ao ashi episode 4

What do you think of the episode?

With our first live game, which we can watch in its entirety, it’s an amazing start. With the quick moments and ball movement shown consistently, this is a great football anime.

Real formations and strategies are shown, and any football lover is captivated as if it were a live game. The feelings of the spectators are not dramatized.

Filled with tense moments, Episode 3 of Ao ashi did not feature any comedic scenes unlike previous episodes. This shows that the storyline of the series is very well written. The moments are intense and emotional when they need to be, without the need for a joke or a cut scene.

Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?
Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?
Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?
Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?
Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?
Ao Ashi Episode 4: What is the Crunchyroll release date and time?


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