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1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained

In episode 7 of ‘1883,’ the wagon camp begins a new chapter in a region that is still unfamiliar to them. On their approach to the Great Plains, the immigrants and cowboys travel through Native American land. However, just when things are looking up for the caravan, they are forced to contend with a terrible storm. As the situation worsens, viewers are left wondering if the gang will be able to continue their trek at all. If you’re wondering how the caravan survives the natural disaster, here’s everything you need to know about ‘1883’ episode 7’s ending! WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!

Recap of Episode 7 of 1883

The eighth episode, titled ‘Lightning Yellow Hair,’ follows the caravan as it travels outside of Texas and through Native American territory (present-day Oklahoma). The wagoners set up camp in the area after Shea and James struck a deal with the Comanche warriors in charge of the country. The group will pay a “tax” for permission to camp and transit through the area, according to the agreement. Cookie makes meals but is chastised by Margaret for using bad words.

Image Credit: Emerson Miller/Paramount+

During lunch, Elsa encounters Sam, a Comanche warrior. He tells Elsa about his wife’s tragic demise, which she can relate to because she had lost her lover, Ennis. Elsa’s horse, Lightning, is discussed by Sam and Elsa. Sam challenges Elsa to a horse race, which the young Dutton accepts. Elsa demonstrates her abilities by defeating Sam and earning his respect in the process. As a prize for her victory, Sam gives Elsa a knife.

Shea and Thomas later discover that a storm is about to hit them. With no time to change course, Shea decides to detain the gang until the next morning. The storm begins to move in their direction once the wagon camp hits the road. It quickly transforms into a tornado, forcing the campers to abandon their horses, wagons, livestock, and provisions in order to save their lives.

The trio of Elsa, Wade, and Colton is separated from the rest of the group. During the storm, Sam shields Elsa, who kisses him. After the storm has passed, the survivors proceed to recover what they can from the wreckage. Cookie informs Shea that a gang of robbers has rounded up their animals. Finally, Shea prepared to combat the criminals and reclaim the livestock.

Is the group able to reclaim their cattle at the end of 1883 Episode 7?

The party survives the tornado but loses everything they need to accomplish the trek near the end of the episode. They are compelled to abandon their wagons, which have been devastated by the cyclone. The group frees the cattle and horses, causing them to lose their food and transportation. With only a few of wagons and a few horses, it appears that the caravan will be unable to continue their trek without nourishment. Cookie informs Shea that the cattle have been collected up by a group of thieves a few miles north, giving the group a ray of hope.

Image Credit: Emerson Miller/Paramount+

Shea informs James and Thomas of the cattle situation. They decide to return the animals, and Elsa reluctantly joins the group. Despite expecting only six bandits, the quartet arrives on the location to discover that the odds are stacked against them. They realize nearly thirteen men are guarding the livestock, who rush to assault the four-horse riders.

As Elsa flees, a gunfire begins, and Thomas, Shea, and James are forced to fight back. The three guys battle courageously against the bandits, but they are overwhelmed. A number of the bandits appear to be closing in on Elsa, but Sam and his companion arrive to shoot them before they can. Shea’s troop is aided by the arrival of Charles “Charlie” Goodnight, a seasoned cowboy and an old friend of Shea’s. With the playing field even, the cowboys dispatch the outlaws and recapture their cattle.

Shea, Thomas, and James escape with minor injuries from the gunfight. However, one has to ask if the group has exhausted all of their good fortune. Nonetheless, it appears like the caravan will continue on their way to Oregon after all. The episode’s conclusion emphasizes that the group would face more dangerous scenarios on the road ahead.

1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained
1883 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained


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