Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Vacancy: Offline applications invited in Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment 2023, they will get special discount

Posted 2023/03/08 55 0

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment : Rashtriya Military School (Ajmer) has invited online applications for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Master Mathematics and Assistant Master Social Studies as per the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Department Department of Defense
advertisement number 03/2023
designation master
Number of posts 03
Date of application up to 42 days
Application Process offline
Location Rajasthan
official website rashtriyamilitaryschoolajmer.in
Highlights of Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment

young candidates who need Eligibility Criteria In Ability They can submit the application by visiting the official website of Rashtriya Military School Ajmer. Online applications have started for these posts and in this you can apply for the next 42 days from the date of advertisement published in the employment newspaper.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment qualification in

Educational Qualification – To apply for this recruitment of Military School, the candidate must have a Bachelor / Post Graduate degree in a subject related to the candidate from a recognized college / university / college. It is also necessary for the candidate to be able to read and write in English and it is necessary to have experience of teaching in a recognized institute for at least 1 year.

Age Limit – For application in this, the age of the candidate must be at least 18 years and the maximum age limit should not be above 30 years. In Rashtriya Military School Ajmer recruitment, the benefit of reservation will be given to the reserved classes in the form of relaxation in the maximum age limit as per the rules.

Pay Scale – Candidates selected on these posts will be given Rs.44900- 142400/- per month under Pay Scale Grade Pay Level-7 by the department and other allowances applicable by the government will also be payable.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment
Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment Application Fees

Candidates applying in this have to send Demand Draft / Indian Postal Order of Rs.100/- attached with this form. It is prescribed for all classes. For Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes, this demand draft has been fixed at Rs.50/-.

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How to apply for Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment?

its official website rashtriyamilitaryschoolajmer.in Or fill the educational qualification information carefully on a plain paper and attach the photocopies of the required documents with it. Next, you have to attach the demand draft along with it. Now put this form in the postal envelope on which the prescribed address is written. THE PRINCIPAL, Rashtriya Military School AJMER (Rajasthan), Pin Code. 305001 Have to send it. your form like this Rashtriya Military School Ajmer Recruitment I will apply.


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